
您所在的位置:网站首页 bounce a ball是什么意思英语 台球术语中英对照(B)


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“B” player:  a decent player capable of running racks and playing effective safeties periodically.


back:  to provide part or all of a player’s stake for a gambling match (e.g., as a “stake horse”).给一名选手提供部分或全部的赌注。

back bank:  same as an “outside cut” bank.反角度翻袋。

back cut:  a cut shot where the CB is shot well away from the target pocket (e.g., when the CB is much closer to the target pocket rail than the OB). In other words, the butt of the cue passes over one of the cushions adjacent to the target pocket. The more perpendicular the cue is to that cushion, the greater the back cut. In other words, a shot into a “blind pocket.”


大角度反角度球,趴下后看不到袋口--Cue Lab制作

back-hand english (BHE):  method used to compensate one’s aim for squirt. You aim the shot assuming a center-ball hit on the CB (i.e., no english). Then you pivot the stick with your back (grip) hand, keeping your bridge hand firmly planted, until the desired amount of cue tip offset is reached. For a certain bridge length, the pivot angle will exactly cancel the squirt angle, and the CB will head in the original aiming line direction.


backer:  person with money willing to provide a bankroll for gambling and take a stake of the winnings in return.愿意提供资金作为赌注的人,以赢球的钱作为回报。相当于投资人,自负风险。

backing:  gambling money or support provided by a “backer.”Backer提供的钱或资助。

backspin:  same as “bottom spin.”


back swing:  portion of the stroke where the cue is pulled back in preparation for the forward stroke into the CB.


bad break:  an unlucky chain of events (e.g., where your opponent gets a “lucky roll”).一系列倒霉的事件(对于对手来说,则是“lucky roll” roll一般指白球滚动后位置很好,如“He sure got a roll",这白球的位置肯定对他很有利)

bad hit:  not hitting an OB first, resulting in a foul; also, a shot exhibiting “cling.”指击球效果不理想,如没有碰到目标球而犯规,或是指击球后出现了“静电”。

bad roll:  unfortunate roll of the ball (e.g., bad position due to roll-off); or, just bad luck.球滚动后位置不理想(如因为慢速情况下球轨迹变线),或仅仅指运气不好。

bag:  same as “cue bag.”球杆包。

bagel:  same as “donut.”


baize:  traditional term for weaved, woolen table cloth, a term used mostly in Snooker and for gaming-table cloth.


Balabushka:  a cue made by legendary cue maker George Balabushka, who died in 1975. A Balabushka is likened to a violin made by Stradivarius.传奇制杆师George Balabushka(1975去世)所做的杆。就好像说这个小提琴是Stradivarius做的一样。

balance:  how the weight of the cue feels in your grip, based on the location of the “balance point.”


balance point:  the center of gravity of the cue.


balk:  same as “baulk.”


Balkline:  a carom game where the table is subdivided into regions (e.g., 9) separated by straight lines. There are restrictions on the number of points can be scored (e.g., 2) when both OBs stay within the same region after a carom.一种开仑游戏。球桌被直线分成九个区域。不同区域代表不同分数,若目标球都停在同一区域,则得相应分数。

balk line:  same as “baulk line.”开球线。

ball:  solid sphere used in billiard games.台球子。

ball and pocket: shorthand phrase implying both the ball to be pocketed and the target pocket must be called before a shot.台球中“指球和指袋”的缩写,即需要说清击打哪个目标球,进哪个袋。

ball banger:  see “banger.”(贬义)指新手或不会打球的人,总是过于用力的击球且不考虑走位。

ball cleaner:  mechanical device used to clean and polish balls; or, a liquid with a solvent and/or fine-abrasive used to clean and polish balls.


ball grouping:  two or more balls of the same type (“stripes” or “solid”) in the same general area of the table.


ball holder:  a rack or tray for holding or storing balls when not being used.


ball in hand:  same as “cue ball in hand.”手中球/自由球。

ball in motion:  any ball still moving or spinning in place (e.g., you are not allowed to shot the next shot with any balls still in motion).


ball rack:  a rack, usually wall mounted, for holding or storing balls.


ball return:  mechanism on a table to automatically collect pocketed balls in a bin via gravity-assisted troughs running from each pocket to the bin (e.g., “bar boxes” usually have automatic ball return).


ball turn:  very slight curve of the path of a ball with sidespin, caused by cloth friction.因球桌和球的摩擦导致加塞球轻微的变线。

ball-compression deflection angle:  slight change in the OB’s direction due to the slight amount of compression of the CB and OB during impact.


ball-hit fraction:  for a cut shot, the fraction of the OB covered by the projected CB. For a square hit (0º cut angle), the ball-hit fraction is 1. For a half-ball hit, the ball-hit fraction is 1/2. For a glancing hit (close to a 90º cut angle), the ball fraction is close to 0.



banana shot:  follow shot off a ball close to a cushion where the CB hits the ball fairly full, then hits the cushion at an angle, and then curves back toward the cushion (with a shot path in the shape of a banana).


香蕉球--Cue Lab制作

band:  the white stripe on balls 9 through 15.指花色球(9-15号)上的白色条纹。

banger:  derogatory term for a novice or unskilled player who hits the balls harder than necessary and doesn’t try to play for position.(贬义)指新手和不会打球的人总是大力打球而不考虑走位。

bank:  same as “bank shot.”翻袋。

bank is open:  saying used when one is to expect to make bank shots (e.g., the “bank” is always open with this guy).(俗语)指这球翻袋会进。bank又有银行的意思,bank is open直译为银行开门了。所以"the bank is always open with this guys"的原意是“银行总对他开放”,意指这人翻袋总能进,双关语。

bank pool:  game where points are scored for pocketing bank shots only.


bank shot:  a shot in which the OB is bounced off one or more rails before being pocketed.翻袋球。

bank the nine:  a handicapped version of 9-ball requiring the better player to bank the 9 for the win.


banking lane:  areas along the long rail for straight back banks and along the end rail for cross-corner banks (e.g., “that ball close to the rail blocks the banking lane”).


bankroll:  total money you have available for gambling.赌球时的总资金。

banks:  same as “bank pool.”同“翻袋式台球”

bar box:  small (3 1/2′ by 7′) coin-operated tables often found in bars.直译:酒吧盒。指酒吧里常见的七英尺小台球桌。

bar player:  one who plays in bars or pubs, usually in a bar-based league.常在酒吧打球的人。

bar pool:  pool (usually 8-ball) played on “bar boxes,” either socially (under “bar rules”) or part of a local league or tournament.


bar rules:  sometimes arbitrary and often different rules by which novices play pool in bars.


bar table:  same as “bar box.”同"bar box",七英尺小桌。

bark:  same as “woof.”装作不会打球的人去撺掇别人和自己赌球。

barrels:  number of payoff units available in your bankroll or in a ring game.指多人的比赛中(比如九球追分)还剩下的钱;或指总资金中剩下的钱。

base: the portion of a table supporting the slate “bed.”支撑石板的球桌部分。

base frame: the structural members supporting the slate.支撑石板的框架。

base of the ball:  the bottom or resting point of the ball in contact with the playing surface.


basket:  the mesh or container that captures a pocketed ball.


baulk:  the area of the table behind the head string (i.e., the “kitchen”).开球区,英语中也叫“厨房”。

baulk line:  same as “head string.”开球线。

BB:  bar box.七尺小桌子的缩写。

BCA:  Billiard Congress of America pool trade association and tournament.

BCAPL:  BCA Pool League system and tournament organization.BD:  Billiards Digest.一台球杂志名Billiard Digest。

BDC:  brain dead commentator on an online stream or video.指很不会解说的解说。Brain dead(脑死亡)。

bead:  an object (usually a plastic puck or ball) used to count a point on a scoring “string” or “wire.”


bear down:  really focus and give it your all.集中注意力,全力以赴。

beat:  out play and win.打败。

beat to the shot:  come out of a safety exchange with the first reasonable offensive shot.交替防守后的第一杆进攻球。

bed:  the slate cloth-covered flat playing surface of the table.台布覆盖的石板,打球的区域。

BEF:  Billiard Education Foundation, an organization supporting junior players.支持青少年打台球的一个组织。

beggar:  a player who won’t gamble without more handicap than is appropriate.指那些一定要过分修改规则,直至对自己足够有利才赌球的人。

behind the back:  playing a difficult to reach shot by shooting with the cue behind one’s back.球杆放到身后击球,用来击打一些原本够不到的球形。

behind the eight-ball:  in a difficult situation or tough spot; or, literally snookered behind the 8.处于困境或指被八号球斯诺克了。

behind the baulk line:  same as “in baulk” or “in the kitchen.”在开球区内。

behind the head string:  same as “in the kitchen,” where the CB must be placed in the upper portion of the table between the “head cushion” and “head string.”同上。

belly up to the table like a man:  quit “woofing” and play for “action” without expecting an unjustified “handicap” or “spot.”真正地公平打球,而不是老要求修改规则对自己有利。

bend a ball:  same as “bend a shot.”拐弯球。

bend a bank:  cause a bank shot to curve short after rebound.让翻袋球吃库后走弧线,出库角变小。

bend a shot:  use massé spin to curve a ball’s trajectory (e.g., with a massé shot or with an angled kick shot with draw or follow).用扎杆让球轨迹走弧线,或勾球时加高低杆让白球吃库后走弧线。

best of X:  method for deciding the winner of a match based on who wins more than half of an indicated number of games X (e.g., the winner of a “best of 5” match is the first to reach 3 games won, which is the same as a “race to 3”).


betting:  placing gambling wagers on a match.赌。

big:  a “stripe.”


big ball:  an oversized CB (e.g., used in some older bar boxes); or an obstacle ball close to a rail or other balls blocking shot paths; or an OB close to a rail that is easy to hit with a kick shot.


big balls:  same as “stripes.”同花色球。

big fish:  a “fish” with lots of money.


big pocket:  larger than normal pocket that is very accepting of a ball; or, a pocket with a wide margin for error for a specific shot (e.g., if the OB is very close to the pocket and/or if there are nearby balls that provide ample carom opportunities).指比正常尺寸大的袋口;或是指某个球形下很容易进球的袋口。比如目标球靠近袋口时,或是袋口附近有其他球可以借进的情况。

bigs:  same as “stripes.”同花色球。

billiard:  same as “billiard shot.”同比利球。

billiard parlor:  a fancy “billiard room.”高级比利厅。

billiard player:  one who plays carom games as opposed to a pool player who plays pocket billiards.


billiard room:  an establishment or location (even a room in a house) where billiards is played.比利厅。

billiard shot:  a shot (also called a “billiard”) where the CB is kissed or caromed off an OB (e.g., to pocket another OB).


billiard stick:  same as “cue stick;” or a cue used specifically in carom or three-cushion billiards.


billiard supply store:  commercial establishment that sells billiard equipment and accessories along with other home rec-room items.台球器材店。

billiard table:  a table on which a billiard game is played; also, can refer to table with no pockets (e.g., for 3-cushion billiards).非落袋式球桌。

Billiard University (BU):  online organization offering instruction, assessment tools, a rating system, and learning resources to support pool instructors and players. The BU officially acknowledges excellence through the awarding of diplomas (Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate of pool).


billiards:  term for all cue games including pool (pocket billiards), snooker, and carom games; also, can refer to pocket-less billiards (e.g., 3-cushion billiards).


billiards glasses:  prescription eyeglasses specially made for cue sports (originally in snooker), with tall and high lenses that provide good visibility (with the eyes looking through the lenses instead of over them) even with a low stance.



bird dog:  a person who arranges gambling matches for a cut of the action.组织赌球活动的人,从中渔利。(存疑)bite artist:  same as “moocher.”贪小便宜的人。Black Ball:  British version of 8-ball, usually played on small pub tables, where the stripes and solids are replaced by sets of yellow and red balls, and the 8-ball is replaced by a black ball; or, another name for the 8.


blank:  a dull or unsuspecting player or gambler; or a rectangular wood block not yet turned on a lathe to create part of a cue (usually the butt); or an unsuccessful inning at the table.不起眼的球手(赌球的人);还没处理过的木头(一般用来做球杆尾部);结果不太好的一局球。

blind draw:  random placement of players in a tournament “bracket.”抽签来决定比赛的场次。

blind pocket:  a target pocket for a cut shot with a line of aim away from the pocket (i.e., you are not looking toward the pocket). 盲袋:打反角度球时目标袋口不在视线内,谓之“盲”袋。

blocker:  obstacle ball that blocks the desired path of the CB.障碍球

blood test:  situation involving a “tester” that is a good measure of one’s composure.考验球,某些球形能够体现出选手的能力,心态

Bob’s your uncle:  same as “and there you have it” or “the out is easy from here.”(俗语)类似“(一堆步骤说明后),这样就好了!”,类似法语里的“et voila

body english:  contorting your body in a feeble attempt to change the path of balls in motion. 身体加塞法:打球时扭曲自己的身体,(徒劳地)尝试改变球的线路。

Bonus Ball:  a game played with nine balls involving a combination of snooker, 8-ball, 9-ball, one-pocket, and straight pool elements.用九颗球的游戏。结合了斯诺克、八球、九球、一袋式和14-1。

bookie:  a person who takes bets and collects a “vig” for the service.菠菜公司(或人)。

bottle:  container used to shake small numbered balls (called “pills” or “peas”) used in some games.emmm这个不知道怎么翻译,直译:某些比赛中,用来摇出带有数字小球的容器。

bottom:  below-center hit on the CB. 低杆:击打白球中心偏下的部分。

bottom cushion:  the cushion on the “bottom rail.” 底库:和摆球点最靠近的短库。

bottom rail:  the “end rail” at the bottom of the table, closest to the foot spot. 底库边:和摆球点最靠近的短库边。



bottom spin:  reverse rotation of the CB (i.e., “backspin”) resulting from a below-center hit on the CB (see draw shot). 下旋:白球“反”方向的旋转,通过击打中心点偏下产生。

bounce:  rebound off a cushion or the table surface. 弹:从库边或球桌表面反弹。

bowlliards:  pool game or drill played with ten balls. Bowling-like scoring is used. After the break, you get ball in hand. If you pocket all ten balls without a miss, you get a “strike.” After the first miss, if you pocket the remaining balls without a miss, you get a “spare.”


box:  a rectangular area on a pool table (e.g., a break box); or, the container a new set of balls comes in; or a table (e.g., a “bar box”). 盒子:球桌上一矩形区域;一组新球;一张球桌(见“bar box")。

bracket:  same as “tournament chart.”比赛的对阵图。如双败淘汰使用的流程图。

Brazilian nuts:  same as “stone cold nuts.”表示板上钉钉的事。

break:  the first shot of a pool game where the CB is hit from behind the head string (i.e., in the “kitchen”) into the racked balls; or, in snooker, a series of pots in a single inning. 开球:台球游戏开始的第一杆,白球从开球区击打摆好的球;斯诺克中指一杆拿下的分数。

break and run:  a victory where you pocket a ball on the break and clear the remaining balls without giving your opponent an inning at the table. 炸清:开球后一杆清台。

break ball:  the last OB remaining on the table in straight pool allowing for a break shot to continue an inning.14-1中一回合结束时桌上剩下的最后一颗目标球,

break box:  square 2-diamond-by-2-diamond area in the “kitchen” centered between the side rails between the head string and head rail. Some tournaments require breaking from within this area to prevent an often easier and more effective side-rail break (e.g., in 9-ball).


所有球围起来的区域就是break box--Cue Lab制作

break cloth:  piece of cloth used under the CB during breaks to prevent damage to the table cloth. 开球布:开球时垫在白球下面的台布,防止桌布受损。(根据雅乐美台球的资料,大力击打白球时,台布与白球接触的部分可以达到250°C) 


break cue:  a cue used for a power break shot, usually with sturdier construction and a hard tip.开球杆:专门用来大力开球的球杆,皮头很硬。

break down:  take apart a 2-piece cue by unscrewing the joint.将分体球杆沿接牙处拆开。

break dry:  make no balls on the break. 开球没进:开球的时候没有下球。

break of serve:  losing a game as the breaker in an alternating-break match (analogous to losing a service game in a tennis match).交替开球规则下,开球后输了这一盘。(类似于网球里开球后丢分)

break off:  British or snooker term for the first shot of the game (i.e., the “break shot”).开球的英式说法。

break pad:  same as “break cloth.”同“开球布”。

break serve:  to get a “break of serve.”“break of serve”的名词。

break shot:  the “break”; or in “straight pool,” the shot at the last OB, with the other 14 balls racked.指开球的那一球;在14-1中,指最后炸散球堆的那一球。

break-out shot:  a shot where the CB is directed, after striking an OB, to strike a ball cluster to scatter the balls into more favorable positions. K球堆:打完球后,控制白球去打散一些球堆以获得更好的球形。

break-up shot:  same as “break-out shot.”同上。

breaker:  the person executing the “break shot.” 开球手:开球的那个人。

breaking violation:  failure to satisfy a rule dealing with the opening break shot, usually resulting in your opponent having the option to re-break. 开球犯规:开球后没有满足开球的规则,一般情况下对手可以选择重开。

bridge:  the support for the shaft end of the cue during a shot stroke, either the left hand (for a right-handed player) or an implement (see “mechanical bridge”). 架杆:击球时用来支撑前节的部分,可以是你的手,也可以是一个器材(如机械架杆)。

bridge distance:  same as “bridge length.”手架长度。

bridge hand:  the hand placed on the table to support the cue during a stroke.手架

bridge head:  the portion of a “mechanical bridge” that rests on the table and supports the cue during the stroke.架杆头

bridge hook:  the device for hanging a “mechanical bridge” under the table for easy access.


bridge length:  the distance between the bridge and the CB. 手架长度:白球到手架的距离

bridge stick:  same as “mechanical bridge.”架杆

brother-in-law:  one of two players who hustler a third player in a 3-player game.

brush:  implement used to clean chalk and lint from the top surface of the cloth. 毛刷:用来清理桌布上的巧粉和绒毛。

BU:  Billiard University. Dr.Dave创办的台球大学

buckets:  big pockets. 直译:桶,指特别大的袋口,像桶一样。

bullet:  same as “barrel.” 见“barrel”

bump a ball:  have the CB run into a ball during a shot to help hold the CB, to improve the ball position for you, or to worsen the ball position for your opponent.


bumper:  ruBBer cushion on the end of the butt of a cue.杆尾用来保护球杆的橡胶

bumper pool:  game on a small table with two opposing pockets and multiple obstacle bumper pegs off which balls can be rebounded. The goal is for each player to make all of their balls into their designated (opposite) pocket with the fewest number of strokes.

bumps:  same as “bank pool.”

bunch:  a cluster or rack of balls. 指一堆球

bunker ball:  the obstacle ball placed on the foot spot in “golf.”

burn mark:  discoloration of the cloth (usually white) caused by friction between the ball and cloth during fast speed and/or strong impact shots (e.g., break, jump, or power shots). 烧灼点:台布上因为掉色引起的斑点(一般是白色)。主要是因为球在高速撞击时摩擦力引起。

burnish:  to vigorously rub the cue (e.g., with leather) to seal the pores and smooth the surface; or to rub the sides of the tip with a rigid tool to make it flush with the ferrule and to harden it to help prevent mushrooming.


business:  see “doing business.” 详见 "doing bussiness"

bust:  break or cluster break-out shot; or to become or cause someone to become “busted.”

busted:  refers to a gambler who has lost all of his or her money.

butt:  the handle or grip end of the cue. 杆尾

butt cap:  protective cap (usually ruBBer) mounted on the end of the butt of a cue. 杆尾的保护套。

button:  same as “bead.” 同“bead”

buy back:  pay an additional fee to re-enter a tournament after getting knocked out in an early round. 买活:被淘汰后额外付钱重新进入比赛。

buy-in position:  an empty spot in a tournament bracket where a “buy back” player can re-enter.可买位置: 比赛的赛程中空出的席位,用来让“买活”选手重新比赛。

by the game:  gambling approach where a the same wager is set on each game, with payment made after each game or at the end of a scored set.

bye:  a tournament term used to designate when a player has no opponent and automatically advances to the next round.轮空:指因为赛制导致的没有比赛直接进入下一轮的情况。例句:I got a bye for the first round.




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